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March for Patricia

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March for Patricia


This is a cause very close to our hearts.

We lost our beautiful Mum to Melanoma in January 2009.














Mum first faced her diagnosis back in 1994 with a mole appearing on the inside of her knee. After surgery to have the mole and cancer removed (it had spread down her leg) she went into remission and always maintained regular check ups annually.

14 years later in 2008, she got the bad news that the cancer had begun to grow again and was attacking fast.  

After major surgery, it had still continued spread to her lungs and within 5 months and a variety of unsuccessful treatments - the cancer had spread rapidly to other organs...and eventually to her brain.

Mum lost her fight surrounded by her loving family on January 10, 2009.


In order to continue research towards the effeftive treatment of Melanoma it would be amazing for us to assist in raising money towards this cause, this in turn may assist other individuals to recieve treatment for and survive such a vicious disease.  

Our mission is to spread the word that continual check ups are vital and essential, even years after you are in the clear. We advocate for children and young people to avoid the sun to prevent this horrible disease later in life.


Adrienne and Georgia xxx


Did you know that each year over 1,500 Australians will die from melanoma and that it is the most common cancer in Australians aged 15-39 years?I have decided to make a difference by creating my very own fundraising page to raise funds for melanoma research. Through this webpage you can easily support my efforts by making a secure donation. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page above or comment below so more people know about it. 

Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a DGR receipt via email as soon as you make a donation.


Thank you so much for your support!

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    Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)

    Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.

    For more info, visit our website.

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